Showing posts with label birth circle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birth circle. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wonderfull (Full of Wonder) Wednesday

Looking for the wonder in everyday life! 
I'd love for you to join me on this journey. 
If you find wonder along the way, please leave a link in the comments,
so others can share in your wonder.

It is a wonderfull thing to be a part of a local Birth Circle...
mamas (and a few papas) that help, teach, encourage, share and fellowship with one another!

Shared with these Linky Parties~
Happy Family Times
The Sunday Parenting Party

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Birth Circle

I am so excited to write about The Birth Circle. I have been wanting be a part of something like this for a very long time. I know what an amazing resource this would have been for me when I was pregnant with Bunny, and as a first time mama. But alas, my little town, and even surrounding towns, had nothing like this to offer...

Until now!

Almost two years after WV Friends of Midwives first presented the idea,
it has finally become it a reality!

The Birth Circle of Central West Virginia
A discussion and support group for pregnant couples, parents, and grandparents.

Join us the second Saturday of every month
at the Louis Bennett Library in Weston
From 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

Come find support and fellowship!

Meet mamas!

Make new friends!

We will discuss various topics each month such as birthing options, breastfeeding, positive parenting, attachment parenting, cloth diapering, baby wearing, as well as other topics close to our hearts.