Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I Wasn't Me Before You

By: Kyle and Hannah White

Before I found You,
Life was all crazy and out of control.
Before I met You,
I was lost and all alone.
Before I knew You,
There was an emptiness down in my soul.
Before I loved You,
My heart wasn’t really whole!

You were waiting for me to come around.
For my hands to fold and my head to bow.
Back then I tried to ignore You.
Now I know that I adore You.
You teach me to live and You teach me to love.
You’ll be waiting for me in heaven above.
I don’t know a lot but I know this is true,
I wasn’t me before You!

Now that I’ve found You,
A weight has been lifted off of my chest.
Now that I’ve met You,
You’ve helped me clean up my big mess.
Now that I know You,
I can’t wait to learn the rest.
Now that I love You,
You make me want to be my best!

You were waiting for me to come around.
For my hands to fold and my head to bow.
Back then I tried to ignore You.
Now I know that I adore You.
You teach me to live and You teach me to love.
You’ll be waiting for me in heaven above.
I don’t know a lot but I know this is true,
I wasn’t me before You!

Before You,
I was drowning in an endless sea.
Before You,
I never knew a victory.
Before You,
I couldn’t even breath.
Before You,
I wasn’t even me!

You were waiting for me to come around.
For my hands to fold and my head to bow.
Back then I tried to ignore You.
Now I know that I adore You.
You teach me to live and You teach me to love.
You’ll be waiting for me in heaven above.
I don’t know a lot but I know this is true,
I wasn’t me before You!
Yes, I know I wasn't me before You!
Jesus, I wasn't me before You!

Monday, December 27, 2010

I Cans and I Can'ts

First of all, let me begin by saying that I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. This post is just a temporary list of my strengths and weaknesses.

I can crochet.
I can't knit.
I can drive a car,
But I don't like to one bit.
I can braid hair.
I can't stand to wear hats.
I can change a diaper
In like ten seconds flat.

I can email,
I can't text on my cell.
I can't sing,
At least not well.
I can handle money,
Cause I can't stand to be in debt.
I can make good choices,
Cause I can't live with regret.

I can be kind of shy,
But I can't let that keep me down.
I can have a tough time,
But I can't let that make me frown.

I can't think anything else to say,
So I'll write some more another day!

Friday, December 24, 2010

'Twas The Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through our home,
Not a creature was stirring, except for one.
Bunny tossed and she turned and she started to fuss.
Then Mama nursed her and softly said, “Hush”.

Poor Bunny was sick with a bit of a fever.
She would fuss any time Mama’s hand would leave her.
Mama was sad that Bunny was sick.
That her first Christmas would be spent like this.

Mama thought of the secrets under the tree.
And how a perfect Christmas would be.
She dreamed of Bunny playing with new toys,
And all of the other Christmastime joys.

Mama hoped Bunny would like Christmas a lot.
Even though little Bunny was not yet a tot,
She was so smart so sweet and so bright.
Mama was reminded of another Christmas night.

When another baby drifted off to sleep,
With His mama holding Him, that baby so sweet.
The gifts He received, gold, frankincense, and myrrh,
And the gift that He gave to save the whole world.

Mama thought of what Christmas was really about,
The love of our God, a love quite devout.
To send His only son to die for our sins,
So we have a chance, in heaven, to live.

Mama softly kissed Bunny on her cheek.
And Mama whispered as she fell back asleep,
After making sure Bunny was all tucked in tight,
“Merry Christmas, my Bunny, have a good night!”

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What I Am To Me ~ Part Two

My mind is, quite often,
 In a time long ago.
In places, with people
That I'd like to know.

My own imagination,
Gets carried away with itself.
And I end up with faeries,
Or gnomes, or elves.

When I find that I
Can no longer fight it.
I pick up a pencil,
And I start to write it.

I research the facts,
Cause I don't like to be fooled.
It is my advantage,
That I was homeschooled
I do love my curly hair,
But I always wear it up.
God gave me so many blessings,
They're overflowing my cup.

I co-sleep with my daughter,
I responsively nurse.
I say OMGosh!
And I (almost) never curse.

I selectively vaccinate.
I'll home birth next time.
I like to write poems,
Cause I like things that rhyme.

My husband is my hero.
He's strong but sweet.
When life knocks me down,
He stands up for me.

In my own life,
There is plenty of bad
But I feel for those,
Who don't have what I have.

I must stop now,
Because I'll start to rant.
But I'll be back later,
For What I Can And What I Can't.