Showing posts with label warmth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warmth. Show all posts

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Shivery Shores

This child...
This child LOVES her beach. Whether the weather.

While the rest of us ( and by us, I mean everyone else on the beach) were
wrapped up tight in our sweaters, she stripped down to swim the tide pools.

Little sister tried to join her, but she barely got her toes wet before changing her mind.

After watching for a few moments, she came back for her pants and a snuggle to get warm.

But Bunny, though typically more sensitive than Squirrely, wasn't bothered at all by the chilly temps.

"Mama, I'm a mermaid!"

Warmth is something I strive for. I am always making sure we all have enough layers. But this child... She teaches me to relax a little. To not freak out and just have fun sometimes.
To let it go... The cold never bothered her anyway.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Melt my Heart ♥ Eco-Kids Tuesday!

I have been striving to get outside every day.
No matter how cold it is out.

We have actually been lucky and, though the nights are freezing temps,
the days have been mostly tolerable, and some even rather warm.

We have great adventures while out for our walks

On this, one of our warmer days (hence no gloves),
we spent a great deal of time cracking ice in one way or another.  

Stomping, throwing, sliding across, falling.
Cheering, shrieking, laughing.

And sometimes a few tears followed by helping, hugging, and hand holding.
All true ice breakers.

There are many different kinds of warmth.

The most obvious that have to do with temperature.

And the less obvious, but just as important.

A child needs both in order to grow properly. 

My little icebreakers are quite heartwarming.

Now, onto the Eco-Kids Tuesday Link-Up!  Welcome!!  Eco-Kids Tuesday is growing by leaps and bounds!!  Last week we had 63 great posts shared with us at Eco-Kids Tuesday! I enjoyed each and every one of them.  It is getting harder and harder each week to pick just a few features! 
Here are three of my favorites:

madebyjoey shared the sweetest flower pots!

Geocaching is something I have been interested in...whohastimefortthegym tells us all about it!

These edible sugar flowers by Happy Whimsical Hearts are gorgeous!

Thanks to ALL of you for sharing such wonderful ideas!  If you were featured please feel free to grab a button for your blog.  And please keep linking up great all your Eco-Kid ideas!

Like Mama~Like Daughter
Like Mama~Like Daughter

Now on to the party!!!  I hope that you'll share some great family-friendly posts that are also friendly for the environment. Some ideas include:
  • Nature Activities
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Crafts made with re-purposed or recycled materials
  • Sewing and DIY home projects
  • Science Experiments
  • Posts on environmental issues for kids or families
  • Non-toxic living
  • Homeopathic Remedies
Eco-Kids Tuesdays is co-hosted by Organic Aspirations and Like Mama~Like Daughter this means that anything you link-up shows up on both blogs!

Feel free to link up several of your posts.

There are only a few rules:

Please follow both co-hostess' blogs, and visit some of the other posts and give them some encouragement!  Please stick to posts and photos not giveaways or items for sale.

By linking up, you are agreeing that Organic Aspirations or Like Mama~Like Daughter can feature your photos next week with a link back to your site.  

Please link back to my site using this button (once I get it fixed !!) OR simply text linking within your post!

Like Mama~Like Daughter

Like Mama~Like Daughter

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Crafting Along With needle and thREAD

Ok, is she not just one of the stinking cutest babies ever, or what?!?!

I was scouring SouleMama's blog yesterday. If you have never read her blog, you should check it out. With every post I read, I fall more and more in love with her life... I always think "This could be me in a few years!" Everything she does inspires me... Well except for the Honey Bees... They kinda freak me out a little. I came across a post about an awesome little sweater vest that she knitted. Right away, I knew I Baby Squirrely needed one.

Not being a knitter and not really wanting to put the time into crocheting one, I yet again dug though my pile of thrifted wool sweaters, and set to work

I cut out a basic sweater vest shape.

I stitched up the sides and fake serged (zigzag stitched) around the edges.

Then I folded them over and hemmed them up to be a smooth finish.

 Seriously, one of the stinking cutest babies ever!

Oh hey, there is another one!

I am absolutely blessed and so incredibly thankful...

God is good... I love my life!

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