Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rhythm~Making The Most of Our Mornings

We felt like something was lacking in our mornings, like we kind of just fell out of bed and into the workday. So my husband and I have been working towards a morning rhythm.

  • 7:00 Hubby gets up, packs his lunch. (He takes Bunny if she is awake.)
  • 7:30 I nurse Bunny, get up, get ready, and make breakfast.
  • 8:00 Breakfast time, discuss our day ahead.
  • 8:15 Hubby cleans up from breakfast and gets ready for work-I get Bunny ready and clean up the house.
  • 8:30 Gather our things, leave for work, say our morning prayer as Hubby drops Bunny and me off to mama's house (where we do daycare together), kiss goodbye. Bunny and I start work. Hubby goes to work.
We use this rhythm on most mornings. It has been working very well and we have been happier because of it. We are finding that the more rhythm we have to our day, the easier and better it flows.

Our Morning Prayer

As we go out of our home,
No matter where we may roam,
Help us do our best today
And bring You glory along the way.
Keep us safe now and forever
And bring us back to be together.


  1. How is it that Im the older sister yet I can learn so much from my baby sister? I love your morning rhythm and prayer!

  2. This is neat. I don't have a rhythm to my mornings. You make me wish I did :-)

  3. great prayer and cute photo of your buys. xo m.
