Friday, December 21, 2012

{this moment}

Mama Mary riding her donkey

Bunny: I'm Mama Mary! (she calls most moms by mama or mommy and then their name)

Playschool Boy: Can I be Joseph? We need Baby Jesus and swaddling cloths!

Bunny: OK! Glory to the newborn king! Peace on earth and NURSIES mild!
(She then shoved Baby Jesus up her shirt and sang-- Baby Jesus better not cry, Santa Claus is coming to town!)

Playschool Boy: Glory to God in the highest! (He attends a local Catholic school and was just in the school Christmas play last evening!)

Nursing Baby Jesus

This will most likely be the last Christmas that Bunny is nursing.  I can see an end in sight.  Her latch is getting lazy and it is becoming less and less comfortable for both of us.  She likes to rub my lips and I think she will continue that long after she gives up on nursing.  I would like to continue as long as we are both happy with it, but I see the day coming when we move onto snuggles and book reading rather than nursing.  I will miss it.  It is nice to have something to force me to sit down and take a break from all the things that need doing, and just be. I need to make a point to just be with her.  Both with and without little sister.  Nursing or not.

1 comment:

  1. How funny! They could stage their own drama!

    Once Bunny stops nursing, I think you will see her in a different way. When Zia quit (at 3) all of a sudden she seemed like her own person--not a part of me anymore. A little sad, but good, too. And just a month or 2 later, when I looked back to how recently we had been nursing, I could not believe I had just been nursing that big girl!
